Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Letter Project


haze said...

this is really cool.

LOVING the layout changes by the way!

ghost said...

so explain the project to me.

spirit said...

So basically, I was going through a rough patch last year and was looking to cleanse some of my mental baggage. I had written a couple important letters already at that time--they're posted under "The Letters of my Life"--and the process of writing and, sometimes, sending them, was really therapeutic for me.

One day, I sat down and started listing for myself the other people in my life who I wanted to write to. This page emerged. Even the act of listing the possible letters was cathartic.

I found I listed specific people who have helped me and hurt me. I listed some people who played supporting roles. And I also listed abstract people, large groups of people, people who represent the many musings I've had through my life.

I haven't actually written a letter from the list yet. But I plan to. And putting the list up on my blog, having people like you and haze give feedback or show interest, will hopefully help me get started.

Join me if you want!

ghost said...

a half dozen years ago a girl i had truly loved, who had destroyed me in highschool contacted me. she sent an email and asked how i was. i started to write her back and tell her how i was and all that, but what spilled out was ten years worth of venom and hurt that had poisoned every relationship i had since then. sending that email and the subsequent conversation that followed was very cleansing. good luck with this.

Liz said...

the project is really cool... whether you actually write the letters or not.

and the image that your doodled list ended up being is so beautiful just in itself... makes me wanna cut and paste.