Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The plight of the Average Joe

Such a slippery slope, this idea of power and corruption. The Average Joe begins his life. He steps out of his door on a perfectly regular sunny day. He breathes in the fresh air and smile smears his lips. He plugs in his iPod and sets out for the day. There is a positive pep to his step. Average Joe realizes that the day is new and the possibilities are endless.

His happiness spreads, infecting those around him. His whole body smiles, his eyes twinkle with the promise of this new day, beginning today. The people passing by would normally ignore the everyday man passing in the street, but today, Joe's energy pervades the typically separate space; the distance that stretches between complete strangers in the street is closed with a single smile and nod.

As time passes, however, and days begin and end and begin and end, Joe's inclination toward good, toward the simple and pure tendencies, start to cloud with desire. The materialistic, shallow, superficial pull of this sick and twisted world we live in begins to poison his purity, his happiness. His kindness disappears. Greed enters. The power-hungry mantra--more more more mine mine mine--echoes in his ears, drowning out the peppy positive tunes of before. And the picture perfect Average Joe descends down the same old tired slippery slope of corruption and power gone wrong.

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