Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I am so sick of people thinking they know what is best for everybody else in the world. If I am different from the person next to me, across from me, behind me, across the country and across the world from me, then the same solution or approach is certainly not going to work for each of us. Somehow we have to find our common ground, because I still believe--perhaps stronger now than ever--that among our differences, there are even stronger similarities.

Let's start with being human beings, being living breathing beings who need food and shelter and love and care. We need support and community. We need challenge, intellectually, emotionally, physically, spiritually. All of these things are true for all people, despite the surface level differences. So why can't we look past the different colors, clothes, tastes, languages, customs, and see a greater connection. One that supercedes the one and only, the great and powerful, the holier than thou, the my way or the highway.

As I get older, my anger gets quieter, but it hasn't disintegrated completely. This nausea that I feel in the pit of my stomach tells me that the anger is still here. And sometimes it wants to burst free. It wants to spew forth in a loud and putrid way.

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