Thursday, June 09, 2005

in the middle

IN THE MIDDLE she called it. And I couldn't think of a better name for this....... this place in life we inhabit......... this place in our artistic, spiritual, human growth. This place filled with mushy boundaries and open horizons. This place where we can choose for ourselves a life of art and love and family - and choose it together. Through togetherness we'll make it to wherever it is we're going. And who can tell where that will be.....

But I know I have these three people who I've cherished as long as I've walked this Earth. We have this magical energy. You can almost see it when we're together. It's like a little imp bouncing back and forth pinball style. The imp makes us do crazy things. Crazy fun things. And those things have barely changed since we were little dumplings doomping about in the backyard.... until here we are: All young adults bound together by this unpenetrable stuff called creativity and our dedication to the inner-imp-child.

Here we are wanting to harness the magic, the energy, the imp... to make our mark. A mark which may or may not end up being expansive in the physical realm. Maybe we'll only affect a small community. Maybe it won't seem so important and world changing. But we'll have lived and tried. And done something. Said some things that were on our minds and in our souls - burning to come out.

What makes us human is our capacity to communicate.... on an intellectual... gutteral... emotional... level. And why not use that. All. the. time. Engage in the life the energy the craziness the calm that bustles around us every second of every minute of every day.

Connect. Feel. Learn. Educate. GROW.

We're in the middle of things and maybe we'll always be. And maybe that's ok. Maybe I'd rather stay in the middle. A perpetual floating island navigating open horizons - full of possibility, hope, struggle, hardship, beauty, and joy.

I'd be proud to live my life forever in the middle..............

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