Monday, June 27, 2005


trio - tapper. break dancer. jazzer.

instrumentation - drums. bass. guitar/saxophone.

concept- hacky sack game.

drum improv, tap answer.
bass, break dance answer.
guitar, jazz answer.

reverse it. dancers initiate, musicians answer.

gradually speeds up. mess with order. mix up instrumentation/dancer groupings. overlap.

end with high energy breakdown.


spirit said...

not necessarily tapper, jazzer, break dancer.... but 3 dancers, with distinguishable styles - at first... fusion occuring... or at least influencing eachother's movement by end

starz said...

this one is gonna be mad fun. i've seen a few dance performances based on pairing certain dancers with different voices. applying a movement for each phrase.

very powerful. very engaging. just make sure they all go balls to the wall.