Thursday, April 13, 2006

a lil sumpin sumpin about me

hi, my name's tina, and i'm smack dab in the middle of things - in limbo between becoming a responsible adult and being a rambunctious little kid. maybe someday i'll find a compromise between the two.....

the ocean lulls me into a trance. sneezing is wonderful (coughing is not). so is laughing so hard you fall to the ground. i like people who tell me when i'm being an idiot... but only when i really am. i could listen to a guitar player play all day. i could sit beside a camp fire all night.

fireflies and mist make fairytales alive. when i walk through a city i notice things like half ripped posters on graffitied walls or a piece of ribbon sailing on the breeze.

i eat really slow. i like to walk slow, too. i'd rather take my time and enjoy someone's company. but mostly i'm caught in a conundrum of moving too fast.

i consider 'weird' a compliment. i like to say 'wicked' a lot. comfy pants and a big sweater are the best. heels are hot. but more often, bare feet are the way of the wise. i like to change my hair. i once turned it orange. but i really should have been born a red head. i miss my nose ring. i miss my puppy. headbanging is great. having people surprise you is even greater.

i'm a lot of things and i'm one thing.

complex and simple.

loud and quiet.

crazy and calm.
.......................................................... all rolled into me.

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