Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Freedom is...

...a barefoot girl, with bright paint on her toenails, walking, galloping, skipping, sitting through and in warm, summer sand. The salty, sweet breeze wrapping her up in a familiar hug, blowing her hair gently, making it dance around and above her face. A peaceful smile tickles her lips as she gazes, content, over the small and large, calm and crazy, rolling and crashing waves that make up the deep, complex ocean of existence before her. The sun has kissed every inch of her body, awakening her skin to the bright possibilities of today.

...swaying trees. Flowers drizzled with fresh, morning dew. Birds flying high, playing in and around air currents. Laughter. Open roads and fields and vistas from mountaintops. The feeling when you dance or sing without worry. Going on a walk alone, with your dog, in a quiet wood or by a peaceful river. Water. Of any kind.

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