Tuesday, June 06, 2006

we create a world of beauty where
people come to forget the horrors
or the dull drone of life

they sit down
wiggle down into the worn red velvet seats
glance down at the program
look at the nose picking plump guy in seat 3D
snortle, scratch their butts and
shoot the shit with the person in 6E

lights blink
on off on off
curtain opens
lights come up
music starts
gasp! they can't wait!
their reality is put on hold

they watch our bodies
enjoy our bodies
envy our bodies
want our bodies

we work for applause
we crave a standing ovation
from complete strangers...

so much of our self-worth comes from outside ourSELF

and when the curtain closes,
the audience files out,
and the dressing rooms empty,
all that remains is
a lonliness
an emptiness
an echo of a person,
a shell that exists larger than life

somewhere else

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