Sunday, October 12, 2008

Friday Five: Can't Live Without

This week's questions are brought to you courtesy of an anonymous reader, the letter F, and the number 5...

What is the one most important thing by your side right now?

The Connecticut Writing Project's Summer Invitational Institute application.

Why is it so important?

This could be a WONDERFUL program for me to participate in--not only for me as a teacher, but as a writer, too!

Can you live without it?

Probably. I have so far. But I think that would be a silly settlement, to just do what I've always done, the way I've always done it. What excitement or growth is there in that?

What is the one thing you can't live without?

Materialistic thing--my wheels.

Non-materialistic thing--truth, beauty, and love. Ok, so it's three things. But I would argue they are intrinsically linked.

Who is the one person you can't live without?

I'd like to have this ONE person in my life that makes me or breaks me, but to be honest there are far too many people that are irreplaceable to me. I suppose if I were to narrow it down to JUST ONE, it would have to be me. If I lose the reflection of me in that shifty mirror of self, my life goes into flux. I've seen it happen more than once. But I am slowly becoming more and more self-aware, the outlines of my reflection are becoming more solid, and as a result, my life is starting to make sense. So...that girl, that woman, that is SHE that I can't live without.

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