the hurt that you should be worried about is YOURS.
cause the longer you try to logicalize yourself into something you know isn't right... the damage you might do to yourself is far worse than anything you could do to someone else.
We are far more than the image we see in the mirror, yet so much of our self-concept comes from that illusive reflection. My challenge is to physically manifest the stuff of my mind and soul, whether through movement, words, or teaching. This is my personal goal, and I hope others will join me.
This blog was born out of the desire to create a life of art and community. We are four people involved in different aspects of The Arts: words, sounds, sights, and moves. We hope to explore each, as well as the overlap among them. We hope to create a place where artists can collaborate their visions and talents. We hope to keep our creativity alive. And so I ponder; I muse; I play around; I post the things on my mind, in my body, and everything in between.
but do we have the courage to do that?
Ah, therein lies the problem. I hope I do. But I also worry about the consequences...the effects...the hurt.
the hurt that you should be worried about is YOURS.
cause the longer you try to logicalize yourself into something you know isn't right... the damage you might do to yourself is far worse than anything you could do to someone else.
the fear of what's to come is often what holds us back.
but isn't it better to find out what's in store for us than to try to spell it all out before it even happens?
You girls are so smart...
sigh. Doesn't make it easy, though.
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