it's that time again. the sun just looks warmer and it sets with a wink and a smile, challenging you to predict what she has in store for tomorrow. the stars ask you out for midnight walks and the moon taunts as you try to swing so high you could kick him in the rear. laughter floats on breezes that smell of barbecue and friends. the open road beckons. the inner imp-child wants to come out and play, and cause whole heaps of trouble.
and i can't wait for it all to unfold as it will.
goals for this summer:
- take lots of walks - at night, in the woods, on the ocean, in cities, alone, with someone i can talk to for hours
- play on playgrounds
- take a few road trips
- read lots of books (at least one or two per week)
- write lots of words (everyday!)
- dance the night away many times
- listen to lots of music (live and otherwise)(hartford jazz fest)
- find happy places to visit
- speak only the truth - and only listen to the truth
- read the newspaper everyday
- only spend time with people i really want to
- spend lots of time with grandma and grandpa
- write real letters to people
- visit with sawrah, mere, debbie, marie
- brainstorm fun units/lessons/activities
- make a dance show that i'm proud of
- subscribe to 3 publications (the new yorker, english journal, ?)
- wear sunscreen
and perhaps the biggest goal of all -------------->
to get this "thing," whatever it is, going again. even if we only do mass emails back and forth to keep in touch. we need to keep our sights on the things that are truly important... and i can't think of a single thing more important than this dream we have and you three.
one love.
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