Saturday, June 25, 2005

eighth grade dance, anyone?


so this is part of this whole plan that i have yet to embrace. but last night i had an inspiration. a hilarious one at that.

so, anyone ever been to a country western bar? I HAVE. and they're great. we're talking line dances for every country song ever written. we're talking electronical bull. we're talking hip-hop-hump-me songs interspersed. we're talking eighth grade dance remniscent slow dances. and it's 18+ to boot.

not a second goes by that you're not smiling, laughing, or having a fantabulous time.

REQUIREMENT- ride the bull. and try the dances. even if you feel like a fool, that's where the fun lies. even do the electric slide, the macarena, and "POOR SOME SUGAR ON MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!"

i'm such a fan. and we need to do this. if and when y'all come to CT, we're going. or we can do it in MD. i'm sure there are places. and it will be grrrrrrrrrrrrreat!

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