Monday, June 27, 2005


trio - tapper. break dancer. jazzer.

instrumentation - drums. bass. guitar/saxophone.

concept- hacky sack game.

drum improv, tap answer.
bass, break dance answer.
guitar, jazz answer.

reverse it. dancers initiate, musicians answer.

gradually speeds up. mess with order. mix up instrumentation/dancer groupings. overlap.

end with high energy breakdown.

a thought or two

News Clips.
Word groupings.

Spoken by actors on stage. With specific staging. (this will provide the framework for dancers) ... initially spoken one at a time... ideally with dramatic spot lighting.

Each speaker paired with a solo dancer.... movement improv'd to the words, intensity, location of actor on the stage. By the time of performance this will be organized into general ideas to avoid confusion - but still open for manipulation.

Mess with overlapping, slicing, intermixing, interlacing words, speakers, dancers.

No music. Voice, silence, movement are vehicles for communication in this portion. (perhaps musicians can help/double as speakers here, as well as dancers)

Saturday, June 25, 2005

amen sista

'there is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening, that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. and if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and will be lost.' -martha graham

eighth grade dance, anyone?


so this is part of this whole plan that i have yet to embrace. but last night i had an inspiration. a hilarious one at that.

so, anyone ever been to a country western bar? I HAVE. and they're great. we're talking line dances for every country song ever written. we're talking electronical bull. we're talking hip-hop-hump-me songs interspersed. we're talking eighth grade dance remniscent slow dances. and it's 18+ to boot.

not a second goes by that you're not smiling, laughing, or having a fantabulous time.

REQUIREMENT- ride the bull. and try the dances. even if you feel like a fool, that's where the fun lies. even do the electric slide, the macarena, and "POOR SOME SUGAR ON MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!"

i'm such a fan. and we need to do this. if and when y'all come to CT, we're going. or we can do it in MD. i'm sure there are places. and it will be grrrrrrrrrrrrreat!

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

but i'm not the only one

Imagine there's no Heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace

You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world

You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one

it's funny the little signs you receive everyday, if you just open up your senses to it. i went to bed thinking all my little thoughts about how to put together this framework for the show - which seems to encapsulate more than that... the whole theory of this 'venture' and even my whole theory on education.... something that just happened without my even realizing it - and in the morning, on a completely blank slate state of mind, the first song i hear is a beautiful rendition of lennon's 'imagine'.

and something resonated inside.

perhaps at the beginning there can be a collage of songs, video clips, photos, images, etc, from pop culture and the media..... specifics blended together to build a bigger picture? or maybe the collage at the beginning could be of images and video clips that we create? because that would be keeping with the whole original work concept. but maybe sampling and then supplementing our own stuff with it would be effective too - all rapper-esque....


if nothing else, this song is just another piece to a larger whole. it's so simple. yet so seemingly unattainable in the world today. an ideal. a hope. a plea.

Monday, June 20, 2005


we started off with the melting pot metaphor.
problematic because we can't all melt into one identical being.
plus that would be ridiculously boring.

then we stepped up to the salad bowl metaphor.
better because it recognizes diversity.
problematic because it doesn't allow for intermixing, overlap, growth.

enter: kaleidescope metaphor.
ding ding ding! we have a winner!
we have our multi-colored, individually shaped pieces...
and they're rotated, rocked, and rolled...
they move in and out of eachother
with light shining through
blending boundaries
making poetry
beautiful colors
and shapes
harmoniously linked,
dependent upon one another


so here's the thought: frame our show on the kaleidescope metaphor, but don't begin there. we have to show some sort of journey, struggle, process before the acceptance, the 'dance of differences' occurs. and we don't even necessarily have to frame it overtly on racism, or ethnic diversity. we could zoom out a little and just look at discrimination in general (we've all seen it in multiple settings and degrees).

people naturally gravitate toward comfort zones, and most of the time those zones include people like themselves or an environment just like home. when the "other" creeps into that territory, all sorts of mayhem ensues.

so there should be a few different sub-plots, mini-stories, conflicts - perhaps depicted with different dance styles showing the different groups, but that doesn't necessarily have to be the indicator - and all the while having poetry, monologue, film, projected photography, etc, interspersed and, of course, incendiary music permeating.


comments, questions, ideas, volunteered services (for piecing together a "storyline" especially) are WELCOME!!

Friday, June 17, 2005

"if you can't make waves, make ripples"

fresh air

a breath of fresh air. that's what this was. i sat down for 4 straight hours with a long lost friend who just popped right back into my life in a huge way.... and we talked dance. the whole time! we talked about what we've done, what we're doing, where we're going. we exchanged ideas and opinions. we played movement games. we talked improv. we talked strategies. we watched tapes of her past performances - and were brought to tears by them. we just let ourselves run around for a while in that part of us we love so much.

she helped me feel like i'm doing something good. like i'm actually making an impact on the small town, recital oriented, closed minded type studio that i'm working at. and i'm starting to believe her (though it's hard), because we have the same roots. we started there together and went off and i came back. she did not. and her outside perspective is invaluable.

"i'm so excited you're actually following through and doing something. that's exactly what this little town, connecticut needs."

i agree. i'm not going to let myself just sit complacently dreaming dreams that will never come true. i will make something happen. i will push myself to continue pushing and learning about choreography. about performance. about what works and what doesn't. about how to stretch boundaries and make connections. i will make a space for other people to explore themselves and their worlds through movement and music and words and each other.

and WE will have the time of our lives doing it.

all i can say is i am forever thankful for the people in my life who share these aspirations and who will just sit down with me for a few hours and mull about in them.

sigh......... a breath of stunning fresh air, indeed.

The Thing is, like, soooo BACK

a 5 a 6 a 5 6 7 8
get out ya seat!
come on everybody do the eagle beat!

it's been two years
since those summers
of fun

of new friends
that became a new family
that put together a show
that blew our minds

not because it was polished
and spectacular
and big

but because it was raw
and personal
and real

it was a brainchild
born of passion
born of the desire
to create
to perform

and be validated

as artists.

It was officially called The Night of the Performing Arts, but that was just for a name's sake. We knew it only as 'The Dance Thing.' And this Thing is what I'm most proud of in my life. 'Twas a place where dancers, musicians, writers, artists got together and made a show of all original work. Amateur, yes, but it was ours. And we were proud. We loved what we did and it bonded us together, fused some part of us into one.

It's now two years later and we still get giddy talking about it. We laugh and sigh and remember. We hum the tunes. We bang out the rhythms and the pulses that ran rampant through us - and still run through us, somewhere.

I'm done reminiscing. I'm done talking about how great it was.

We're bringing it back, ladies and gents. Summer '06. You better believe the Thing will be back. I'm committed. You heard it here first. We're bringin back the crazy all nighters, the laughter, the sprained ankles; the music, the tappity tap tappin, the rappin, the stompin and the beboppin; the extreme heat, the challenges, the insanity, and the jumpin, leapin, spinnin. And we are going to BREAK IT DOWN NOW.... again.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

in the middle

IN THE MIDDLE she called it. And I couldn't think of a better name for this....... this place in life we inhabit......... this place in our artistic, spiritual, human growth. This place filled with mushy boundaries and open horizons. This place where we can choose for ourselves a life of art and love and family - and choose it together. Through togetherness we'll make it to wherever it is we're going. And who can tell where that will be.....

But I know I have these three people who I've cherished as long as I've walked this Earth. We have this magical energy. You can almost see it when we're together. It's like a little imp bouncing back and forth pinball style. The imp makes us do crazy things. Crazy fun things. And those things have barely changed since we were little dumplings doomping about in the backyard.... until here we are: All young adults bound together by this unpenetrable stuff called creativity and our dedication to the inner-imp-child.

Here we are wanting to harness the magic, the energy, the imp... to make our mark. A mark which may or may not end up being expansive in the physical realm. Maybe we'll only affect a small community. Maybe it won't seem so important and world changing. But we'll have lived and tried. And done something. Said some things that were on our minds and in our souls - burning to come out.

What makes us human is our capacity to communicate.... on an intellectual... gutteral... emotional... level. And why not use that. All. the. time. Engage in the life the energy the craziness the calm that bustles around us every second of every minute of every day.

Connect. Feel. Learn. Educate. GROW.

We're in the middle of things and maybe we'll always be. And maybe that's ok. Maybe I'd rather stay in the middle. A perpetual floating island navigating open horizons - full of possibility, hope, struggle, hardship, beauty, and joy.

I'd be proud to live my life forever in the middle..............


you know those ideas, those dreams that make all the bits and pieces of your life seem to make sense... that make you feel like you could actually do something worthwhile.... that make your heart and soul soar?

i love those.

they make me alive.